Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Chicago

Discover the transformative power of PRP, a regenerative therapy that utilizes your body’s own healing properties to stimulate tissue repair.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Chicago



Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Chicago

Discover the transformative power of PRP, a regenerative therapy that utilizes your body’s own healing properties to stimulate tissue repair.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in Chicago

Discover the transformative power of PRP, a regenerative therapy that utilizes your body’s own healing properties to stimulate tissue repair.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection treatment is gaining popularity in treating various conditions. For aesthetics, PRP is used in rejuvenating the skin and hair.

Refine By Tulsi is the answer if you are looking for a non-surgical solution to enhance your skin and hair. Consult with Dr. Kotecha to learn about the procedure and the cost of PRP treatment in Chicago.

What is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Treatment?

The platelet-rich plasma consists of two main components – the platelets and the plasma (liquid element of the blood). Platelets are a type of blood cell responsible for the clotting function in our body. When an injury occurs, platelets stop bleeding and release growth factors aiding cell regrowth and healing.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that contains a concentrated source of your own platelets (6-8x), growth factors, and cytokines. When the platelets are activated, they release various proteins and growth factors, resulting in new cell proliferation and migration of cells to the area. This promotes local tissue growth and repairs damaged tissue. Tissue regeneration continues for up to one month and new healthy tissue is formed that is permanent. The process is natural and non-toxic, so there are no adverse or allergic reactions. The recovery time is short with rapid results.

The use of PRP in alopecia treatments is strictly off-label. Over 90 million Americans suffer from hair loss, of which 30% are female. PRP is used to stimulate dormant follicles by recruiting the growth factors and cytokines. You will expect to see new hair growth in about 3-6 months after the procedure.

What are the Benefits of PRP?

The growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma are involved in almost every regenerative process in the body. When PRP is injected just beneath the skin, it stimulates collagen proliferation through which a number of benefits occur. PRP injections add volume to areas of the face that have begun to droop or atrophy. The cheeks can be rounded out and under eye hollows that cause dark circles and bags can be softened. Due to ongoing collagen remodeling, PRP injections also promote softer, smoother, tighter skin over time.

Injections of platelet-rich plasma are also beneficial because they are safe for all skin types and tones. The organic nature of treatment, using your own blood product, significantly reduces the potential for side effects such as allergic response.

How Does PRP Work for Aesthetic Rejuvenation?

Platelet-rich plasma is used in two ways to improve the appearance and overall vitality of the skin. The product may be injected beneath wrinkles, hollows, and areas of deflation and it may also be applied topically in a gentle microneedling procedure.

The way that PRP improves texture, volume, and radiance is by inducing numerous regenerative processes. The various growth factors that exist within blood plasma provide essential proteins, electrolytes, hormones, and other nutrients to the skin. Proteins are integral to the formation of fibrin polymer which lays a strong foundation for firm, youthful tissue. Platelets within the plasma naturally respond to injuries in the body, prompting accelerated tissue regeneration through vascular and cellular regrowth.

How Long do PRP Injections Take?

PRP treatment with injections takes only slightly longer than an average injectable treatment. We begin with a standard blood draw. If desired, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area while blood is processed in the centrifuge. This takes just a few minutes. The provider carefully observes the face and may mark areas where injections are recommended. The entire process is typically complete within 15 to 20 minutes. Microneedling with PRP is also brief, taking approximately 30 minutes from start to finish.

How is PRP Prepared?

To prepare the platelet-rich plasma, our expert technicians draw a small quantity of blood. The blood sample is processed in a centrifuge device that rotates, separating the platelets and concentrating them in the plasma. It takes around 20 minutes for this process. Once processed, the PRP is ready to be injected into any body part that requires regeneration.

How Long Will it Take to see PRP Results?

Patients who undergo microneedling with PRP may notice an immediate boost in the radiance and softness of their skin. PRP injections work beneath the surface to restructure the collagen matrix in superficial tissue, so results from injections alone become more noticeable after a few weeks.

As healing mechanisms increase, patients notice improvements such as:

  • Smoother texture due to improved collagen formation.
  • More radiance due to new blood vessel formation.
  • Fresher, younger-looking skin due to the influx of vital nutrients.

PRP Injections for the Face

PRP is a promising option for facial skin rejuvenation as it is a cocktail of growth factors and bioactive proteins. Once it’s injected into the area, the platelets start working their magic leading to various rejuvenating changes in the skin. These injections promote collagen deposition, vital for fresh, youthful-looking skin.

The benefits or PRP Injections for the face include:

  • Improved skin texture
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Glowing skin
  • Reduced pigmentation
  • Improved vascularity

PRP Injections for the Hair

In recent years, PRP has been used to treat hair issues like alopecia and slow growth. PRP has a higher concentration of platelets than those found in normal blood and, when activated, releases growth factors.

When injected into the scalp, PRP activates the dormant follicles and promotes hair growth. It increases the anagen phase or growth phase of the hair so that it stays longer and doesn’t fall. Improvement of scalp vascularity is another benefit of PRP therapy. Better blood supply enhances the thickness of the hair shaft giving thicker, lustrous hair.

Multiple sittings are required to see the benefits of PRP. Initially, our doctors may ask you to undergo monthly PRP injections for 3 to 6 months. Depending on the response, you may need to have repeat injections once every 3 or 6 months for maintenance.

One crucial factor is that PRP does not regrow new hair in areas lacking hair follicles, and it mainly works to stimulate existing hair follicles. PRP injections are also done after a hair transplant to enhance hair growth.

PRP Hair Restoration Treatment

There are two ways in which PRP may be introduced into the hair follicles of the scalp.

One technique is to perform microneedling, which creates micro wounds to superficial tissue. PRP is then applied topically where it can penetrate the scalp through the induced injuries. Within a few minutes, the microchannels begin to heal, but not before stimulating nutrients can be absorbed.

An additional and popular technique for PRP hair restoration is to inject platelet-rich plasma into the scalp in the area where hair is thinning. Treatment is conducted with a topical anesthetic which numbs the superficial tissue on the head. After drawing blood, we process the vial in a centrifuge, a piece of equipment that spins the blood to separate platelets from red blood cells. Injections are then administered to the appropriate area of the scalp.

The introduction of platelet-rich plasma into the area of inactive hair follicles stimulates a regenerative process intended to activate dormant growth cycles. Most patients need a series of treatments to achieve optimal results.

How Long do PRP Injections Take for Hair Restoration?

Injection treatment begins with a brief blood draw that takes less than a minute. The second step of centrifugation takes a few minutes, during which topical numbing medication sits on the scalp. The injection aspect of treatment is meticulous – injections are positioned every half-inch across the area of thinning. As precise as this step is, it usually takes less than thirty minutes from start to finish.

How Long Will it Take to see PRP Hair Restoration Results?

Consistency is crucial to obtain satisfactory results from PRP hair restoration. Treatments are typically scheduled monthly for a few months. Patients can expect to begin noticing improvement within two to three months. After the initial series of treatments, injections are repeated every three to six months depending on individual response and results.

The initial effect that patients may notice after treatment is that they shed fewer hairs. Over time, they can expect to see an increase in thickness and length.

PRP Pre-treatment Instructions

At RefineByTulsi, we recommend a few simple guidelines for both the Pre and post-procedure. These can make the difference between a good result and a fantastic one.

  • Keep hydrated prior to the procedure
  • Have a meal prior to the procedure
  • DO NOT consume alcohol for 48 hours prior
  • DO NOT wear make-up to your treatment as this can increase your potential to bruise
  • DO NOT take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, St. John’s wort, or Vitamin E one week prior

PRP Post-treatment Instructions

  • The area treated will appear red for the first 1-2 days. The severity of redness will depend on how aggressive the treatment was.
  • You may have mild swelling to the treatment area for 1-2 days.
  • On the day of the procedure, wash the face thoroughly a few hours after the treatment. Gently massage the face with tepid water and remove all serum and other debris (there may be some dried blood). You may use a very gentle cleanser (avoid cleansers with any type of acid and avoid all scrubs). Moisturize and hydrate your skin (paraben free) as it may be dry and tight for the first few days.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 10 days if possible. Use only paraben free sunscreen.
  • Your skin may feel rough for the first week. Avoid using a scrub as it will cause irritation.
  • Mineral makeup can be used the next day.
  • Your normal skin care routine can be resumed at day 2.
  • Vitamin A products are recommended, as well as peptides and growth factors.
  • Avoid alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours as this can increase your potential to bruise.
  • Ok to take OTC antihistamine (Benadryl, Zyrtec) to help with swelling.
  • Ok to take Tylenol. Avoid Aspirin/Ibuprofen as they increase risk of bleeding/bruising.


What Are The Risks of PRP?

PRP injections are low-risk and do not typically cause side effects. This is because it uses your own blood, so there is no chance of contracting a disease. However, there are a few uncommon risks that can occur.

These risks include the following:

  • Bleeding
  • Damage to the tissue
  • Increase in contracting an infection.
  • Nerve injuries

Another potential risk is feeling lightheaded, which can occur if you have yet to eat or drink water. It is also possible to experience mild soreness and bruising at the injection site. Be sure to ask your primary doctor before getting PRP injections.

What Are The Contraindications of PRP?

Although PRP injections are safe and low-risk, there are certain contraindications that can disqualify you from being a suitable candidate. Since this is a blood-related procedure, it is not recommended for people who are anemic or take blood-thinning medications. If you have a condition such as unstable angina, hemodynamic instability, severe hypovolemia, or sepsis, PRP will not be a suitable treatment for you.

How Much Does PRP Cost?

The cost of PRP injections depends on the location, the rates of your provider, and how many treatments you need. On average, it can cost somewhere between $250 to $2,500 per injection. PRP injections can be costly, so it is important to plan everything out beforehand.

Is PRP Covered By Insurance?

PRP injections are usually not covered by insurance as they are not FDA-approved. The substance used is made from your own blood, so it is not considered a drug. Most insurance companies consider PRP injections to be a cosmetic procedure. It is possible for insurance companies to cover the costs, but it depends on what is included in your policy. Make sure to contact your insurance provider to see if they cover the cost of PRP injections.

Schedule a PRP Consultation in Chicago, IL Today!

Are you prepared to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Tulsi Kotecha and explore the possibilities of PRP treatments in Chicago! Simply fill out the form to the right or give us a call at 312-380-9780!



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Copyright by RefineByTulsi 2022. All rights reserved.
